Saturday, April 29, 2006

Anything on in Melbourne this grey Saturday?

Update: No suggestions, eh? Vaguely feel like heading out for some music and a dance.

At home, playing chess, drinking many coffees, noodling on the keyboard, and blogging, of course, but wondering if there is anything worth leaving the house for today?


Bonnie Conquest said...

Toby. There was nothing worth leaving the house for last Saturday. Sorry for the tardiness of response. Maybe this Saturday will be the same?

_nothing_ said...

I have an engagement party to attend. I intend to be hungover from 6ft Hick on Friday night. Should be appropriately surreal ...

mskp said...

bonnie, are you saying that drinking earl grey and eating almond fingers at 2am was not worth leaving the house for on saturday? hmmph.

TOBYtoby, apologies for using your blog to berate an ungrateful guest. and will you be taking ms. fits's advice and packing a spare pair of underpants for the sixfoothick show?

_nothing_ said...

Ha! Totally busted, Bonnie.

Not sure I am quite as rabidly into 6ftHick as young Ms Fits, but I might just in case.