Thursday, May 25, 2006

Random Thoughts

Saw an excellent band last night. I can't remember their name. My friend Jay (who plays guitar in a band with me) is the bass player.

Talked to some people. I am getting the hang of my new gregarious and extroverted personality. Actually I'm not, but I set myself the goal of meeting many more people and it's working a treat.

As part of the evening's festivities there were teams of programmers competing to decrypt images within a set time limit. Or something. Very very nerdy. The code was projected onto the wall and looked like the matrix, only lamer. Actually it looked like what I do all day, only more fun.

Have you ever met someone and flirted a little and liked them and then thought I could never go out with someone with that name? Imagine what our wedding invitations would look like? Didn't think so. Me either. No way I'd be that shallow. Just wondering.

Trying to get a team together for trivia at the East Brunswick Hotel. I love trivia (life goal: go on Temptation) and have been meaning to find a regular trivia slot (our local holds it on Wednesday, which is band rehearsal night). Interested? We're definitely hiring. My friends are slack and will pike and I will end up going by myself and although I have a brain filled with useless information, I don't know much about music or popular culture or people.

Today I have been mostly working on tax issues. I cannot express to you how little I care. I have been trying to write in between worrying about whether sales to non-AU addresses with 'N-T' codes need to be converted to 'EXP' when transferred to the accounting package.

Yes, that's what I do to pay the rent.
We all make poor choices.

Need to keep working on my abs so I can become a male stripper.
Actually, I need to get some abs first.
And possibly learn how to dance.


mskp said...

oh dear, tobytoby, you've no idea what you've gotten yourself into. i am a trivia FIEND. and none of my friends are remotely interested. i hosted the trivia night at the irish club in toowoomba for two years, and it's one of my ambitions to write a screenplay about the sick world of trivia tragics. that episode of the office captured it perfectly but i think there exists a movie to be made.

my only concern is that i become evil when i play trivia [or indeed any board games] so it might not be the ideal circumstances under which to meet a new friend.

screw it - let's go and wipe the floor with those losers!

see? evil.

Tammiodo said...

You used gregarious. I love you Tobytoby.

What night is the trivia at the EB hotel? I must say i'm fairly good with music, popular culture and people...

Rach said...

I'm really good with odd little factoids and animals. And fish. Okay, mainly fish. But it seems to me that that wouldn't be particularly useful with this trivia night.

Tammiodo said...

I think that it is forever a case of whenever you need someone who's good with fish, they're not there.

_nothing_ said...

Trivia is next Tuesday.

Gregarious is one of my favourite words. Next to carouse.

Define 'Evil', mskp ...
A competetive spirit is surely just an advantage.

This could be the first book exchange of our new club ...

_nothing_ said...

And factoids and fish sound ideal for trivia.

What sort of fish? Or just fish in general?

Rach said...

All fish, trust me, all fish. I have a special relationship with fish. I used to work at an aquarium store and my dad was a Lake Malawi cichlid freak. Cichlid people are like planespotters, only they have really cool fish.

Where and when? I probably won't be able to as I'm in full on work lockdown next week, but I imagine this trivia thing is ongoing.

_nothing_ said...

Awesome. I just learnt a lot of new fish information, thanks to you and Wikipedia.

Cichlids. Who knew?

Trivia is East Brunswick Hotel from 7pm every Tuesday starting next week (May 30).

Anonymous said...

I'm in the UK but wish I could come to Trivia night. Buggernuts!

Although, I do confess that I have considered not dating someone because of their name. Graeme's just not hot.

_nothing_ said...

Anon, what if they countered the name with wicked talents on the accordion?