Nothing else to report ... I am excellent, thanks for asking. Angst levels are at record lows, which means I am short for words of dysfunction, but I am busy concocting hare-brained schemes of a literary nature. For some reason my first thought is to write some software to help. This is because I am a geeky brainiac with programming skills.
- Phase 1: Idea for Story.
- Phase 2: Create non-linear wiki-based software for managing scenes and character information.
- Phase 3: Profit!
- Semacode ... because the Spimes are coming! This stuff is fascinating. Coding real world objects with meta-information that allows them to be tracked. I am toying with some ideas.
Spime is a neologism for a currently-theoretical object that can be tracked through space and time throughout the lifetime of the object.
- Did I mention my hare-brained schemes?
- RPS 25 Rock Paper Scissors with 25 different hand actions and gabillions of possibilities. I have started learning them.
- Cute: A Baby with Three Arms. I'd be buying a drumkit now if I were the doting parents.

- Money making scheme:
- Phase 1: One Thousand Paintings
- Phase 2:
- Phase 3: Profit!
- Phase 1: One Thousand Paintings
- Stuff on my Cat. Cats with stuff on them.
- Geeks create 'real life' Fight Clubs. Which is better than the Byte Club we created at Swinburne for people who wanted a programming club.
- How I wish that story wasn't true.
- Hasbro releases Orignal Recipe Transformers.
- Amazingly comforting blog zeitgeist and emotion detector thingy.
- People are awesome! We all rock! (See above).
- Pocket Mod is wicked. A Free Disposable Pocket Organizer. It even generates Sudoku puzzles to take on the tram.
- Saxon Shore are a cracking band and you should check them out. Exquisite Death of Saxon Shore is definitely the best album.
- This is what happens when geeks have too much free time.
- Dutch Paedopihiles form Political Party. I mean, what!?
- Cheese Science is a lot more complicated than you thought.
- I once worked in a cheese factory, which was quite the experience. I didn't eat cheese for about two years after that and for various gross reasons I still do not eat cheese flavoured chips. I could tell you about it, but I'll save it for later.
- Someone made a 5 Dimensional Rubik's Cube. I don't know what that means either.
- Robots are cool though, aren't they?

- Great sci-fi minds write Futures.
- Crushing by Elephant was a popular execution method. Who knew?
- A Programmable Tattoo would be the coolest thing ever.
- Webcomic: Shooting War.
- Johnny Cash is the rockinest. I love A Boy Named Sue and Ring of Fire, of course. With those horns. And the backup vocals.
I remembered something and then forgot it again. Damn. Hang on ... No. Gone. Fuck it.
Updated Update:
I remember. And it's not that important. But have you ever been in a situation where you know the right thing to do, but know that you probably aren't going to do the right thing at all? And not doing the RightThing is going to perhaps make everything complex and stupid, and then this presumes that the chance to do the WrongThing eventuates, which is perhaps optimistic in any case. So I keep thinking "What would Picard do?" and I'm pretty sure it would be the RightThing. And then I think, "What kind of retard are you to model your moral behaviour on a fictional character from a B-Grade (at best) 80s sci-fi drama?".
The point of this story isn't the angst, because I am not that angsty about it, because you do the Thing, Right or Wrong, and everything works out somehow. No, the point of the story is that I keep trying to ACT LIKE PICARD.
* Not secret.
There is no better basis for decision-making than 80's science-fiction characters. Trust me, I'm an expert.
Who do you base your decision making on?
that explains why you weren't interested in jess's twisties. you don't eat cheese flavoured snacks! i think i'd be sad if you gave me a reason not to eat cheezels ever again.
so much fun last night - i think i have a "secret" brain crush on jess too. she's ace. and i've been sending empathetic thoughts to charlie all day - what a trooper! i'm off to collect my car now. hopefully while i'm near the pub, no little voices will say "go in, have a few drinks, have many"...
Yeah, I try not to talk about the cheese-flavoured snacks.
I am pretty sure that the little voice last night was actually my voice, so you should be fine. I've got stop encouraging everyone to drink so much.
A big "aww shucks" goes out to the lot of you x
i feel fine, and i do like that project... feeling eh.
mmmmm cheezels...
p.s. wednesday zeitgeist is too big! i just spent two hours exploring those links - mostly fun and educational but i can't go to sleep right after looking at the three armed baby. i often dream about the last thing i saw...
Toby they weren't so much science-fiction characters as cartoon and comic characters.... Astro Boy and Super Ted. I think that's actually worse than Picard...
I have to ask - what on earth were you Googling when you came across the crushing elephants link?
Melly: it was actually from a conversation with my boss. I have no idea what he was looking for.
Ow. Wish I was Jess and everyone was professing secret or not secret crushes on me.
Also wish I wasn't *still* hungover!
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