Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wednesday Zeitgeist

I've been sick. And watching Scrubs. And the odd episode of Arrested Development. And reading about Marxist Theory and shitting Crush no-end with my febrile characterisations, gross generalisations and complete misunderstanding of the foundations of Marxism. Why am I doing this? A hare-brained scheme, of course.

I may have previously called Crush my girlfriend and ruined the mystery of our internet and trivia romance. Damn. Sorry about that. In my own defence I was slightly delirious. With love.*

Work is fucking fantastic with a slight temperature though. Nothing makes sense in a kind-of drugged-out way. Wicked.

Zeitgeist sucks today. Sorry.
  • A Very Big Catfish.
  • Fat Fighters! Animated map of increase of obesity in the States over the last 20-odd years.
  • Butterfly Ball. I remember this from my childhood - the ABC used to play it between Sesame Street and PlaySchool.
  • Sharpest object evar! Nanotechnology rocks.
  • I can see fake people.

  • 80's Videos. Like, all of them. I missed the 80s so this is very educational for me.
  • Lind on current Middle-East crisis. Lind is one of the US analysts that developed the theory of Fourth Generation War:
    For the first time, a non-state entity has gone to war with a state not by waging an insurgency against a state invader, but across an international boundary ...

    I think the stakes in the Israel-Hezbollah-Hamas war are significantly higher than most observers understand. If Hezbollah and Hamas win—and winning just means surviving, given that Israel’s objective is to destroy both entities—a powerful state will have suffered a new kind of defeat, again, a defeat across at least one international boundary and maybe two, depending on how one defines Gaza’s border. The balance between states and 4GW forces will be altered world-wide, and not to a trivial degree.
  • And while we're there: Marine Small Wars Manual.
  • It's 2025. Where Do Most People Live?
  • Motorcycle Repair Course. Which reminds me, if you have an old bike that runs but is generally pretty cheap and crappy, let me know - I am looking for something to tinker with.
  • And no, not because The Apocalypse is imminent.
  • OK yes, because The Apocalypse is imminent.
  • Space Invaders Rug!

    Up to 157% off! Genuine fu-ckari rug!

  • I think I need to go home. Feeling decidely average.

* And possible a flu virus. But mostly love.


Anonymous said...

How many drugs were involved in that Butterfly Ball! I remember that from the 80s, but had no idea about LSD when I was 6. I have been troubled by the fact that no one except my brother and I seem to remember a whole lot of 80's cartoons - when Star Blazers. came out on DVD I finally was able to prove that I hadn't invented it!

I would have been in the market to sell my Yamaha DT200R dirt-bike until a few weeks ago, but my partner has got a job in a town that is dirt-bike heaven so I think I'll be getting it going again and re-kindling my love of playing in the mud with a 2-stroke.

_nothing_ said...

The same thing happened to me with Star Blazers! I was obsessed with it but noone else knew what I was talking about.

Dirt bike, eh? That's an idea.

sublime-ation said...

I once wrote a 2500 word essay on The Communist Manifesto in 2 hours and got an A.

It was complete bullshit.

(Essays I'd spent five weeks on always got Cs).