Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Wednesday Zeitgeist

Our new mega-team won trivia last night. This is the first time I have been on the winning team, which was nice. We won a carton of beer. Or slab. Or whatever it's called down here. We are saving it for a party to which you will all be invited.

Other than that, nothing much to report. Hanging out. Working. Looking for a new job. Vaguely. Find out about certain corporate nonsense in the next month or so, but I think after that I will be finding something new and that doesn't suck so badly. It would be good to work on something I was interested in, for a start.

Oh, I went to Trades Hall and hung out with Crush and some Fabians. It was pretty interesting ... I have never been involved in any political discussions, I avoided all of that stuff like the plague at uni, so it is all new to me. Go the Commies!

Today's Zeitgeist is mostly pictorial went off the rails and became all uber-geek.

  • Monopoly with debit card instead of money. Crush won't be able to cheat.
  • My original plan for when Crush and I get married was to wear a Starfleet Uniform (2366-2373):

  • But now I am thinking something more along the lines of Hello Darth:

  • Selma Hayek isn't rich:
    "With things as they are in Mexico, it bothers me that they put me in a group of millionaires with $100 million I don't have when there are so many people dying of hunger," Hayek said, pausing the interview in a brief panic to scoop a drowning rat out of her swimming pool.
  • Tampon Gun.
  • Tattoos you won't regret (from the awesome ModBlog):

    Stupid. Apparently it was done for free.

    Yes, that says Slut.
    If you see this tatt it you either guessed or are suddenly having second thoughts.

  • Yogic Flyers. I voted for them once. They were going to protect Australia with an invisible forcefield of Yogic Energy. You may say I wasted my vote. I say we need an invisible forcefield of Yogic Energy to keep the commies boat people everyone out.
  • Speaking of getting a new job: Escape From Cubicle Nation. Food for thought.
  • And Aliens are Trying to Talk to Us But SOMEONE is Covering it Up:
    Insiders told him that SETI discovered a high concentration of signals from space, and that another organization stepped in to block those signals. SETI, however, maintains that it has not seen any signals of note.
  • I have many thoughts about my computation history project. Not least of all that it is doomed to failure. Talking with Charlie and Rach about some of it last night and the difficult part of the process is that no-one agrees on what the "basic particles" of history actually are, so any model created will makes all sorts of assumptions about how the system actually works and isn't that going to be fun?
  • And of course the whole thing is confounded by the CIA's infiltration of the academy and subsequent propagation of the memetic virus of postmodernism that served to simultaneously destroy the left and intellectual progress in general.
  • But I digress.
  • Although I have decided that I will create the actual simulation code in Java, but using the Rhino engine to allow for JavaScript integration. I was already thinking about scripting, because the actual model will be so controversial, but this JoelOnSoftware article has convinced me: Can your programming language do this?
  • And while I am being geeky: MapReduce. Google does stuff that I don't understand.
  • That's it for today.


Bonnie Conquest said...

Pox told me at the Pentaport Rock Fest last weekend just outside of Seoul there were FREE TATTOOS being given away. She'd assumed they were temporary and had gone in, picked her design (if I remember correctly, the visage of a Korean pop-throb), then the swabs came out and she was like... hang on... FOREVER? And the DOCTOR who was doing the tattoos was like YES, FOREVER.
Koreans really know how to rock out, eh?

Bonnie Conquest said...

Oh, and yeah, congrats on being an genius, again.

And, the CIA? I thought it was the Jews...

_nothing_ said...

Free Tattoos! That is just totally mental.

elaine said...

the difficult part of the process is that no-one agrees on what the "basic particles" of history actually are, so any model created will makes all sorts of assumptions about how the system actually works and isn't that going to be fun?

Kind of like physics, really. Yes, yes, most people agree on the 6 leptons and 6 quarks (my, isn't that conveniently symmetric) but then you get people disagreeing on why symmetry is important and maybe it it's just broken and why do all these "basic particles" have different mass? (ask Higgs but which Higgs model? and why? and why shouldn't we go beyond the Standard Model? particularly as it's all clunky and cobbled together and we care so much about Symmetry and simplicity...)

Just make the best guess that you can and keep refining.

There's heaps of algorithms refining solutions. You could even do that in FORTRAN.

Sorry about the rant...

ps GO Team Reverse Tit-fuck with Bum-growl!

_nothing_ said...

Ah, Elaine, you are a genuine scientician. And spoken with the scientician's pragmatism. Unlike some people who shall remain nameless, but who offer such helpful insights as "It's arguable that there is such a thing as an historical fact". Arts students. What can you do?

Pretty much why I am going to keep mucking around with this idea though.

(But I am still going to get Charlie to explain what you said ...)

richardwatts said...

Team Reverse Tit-Fuck with Bum-Growl roolz4evaLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Fluffy said...

Congratulations on the trivia win! In your face Team Nemesis!

Re. Hello Darth; introducing my outfit for the big day.

elaine said...

Some call it pragmatism, some call it "I'm too lazy to bother with finicky details"...

Arts students do have their uses - challenging scienticians on their stubborn adherence to the belief of the "scientific method" being one, that they're kind of nice to cuddle up with at night is another. We can pretty much pick and choose our data to support out theories and many scientists do this with blithe unawareness.

Analysis of data using the traditional methods questioning neither the basis of those methods nor the implications of the way in which data is collected is far too common.

Compulsory philosophy/critical thinking for science students would, in my opinion, only be of benefit...

Rach said...

Reverse Titfuck with Bum Growler rules. It was great seeing you kids again. And I agree with Elaine re: the limited uses of us arts students. I do believe that if you jam one beneath a door we'll stop drafts, too.

Hello Darth is one of the best things I've seen.




_nothing_ said...

Oh I agree, having moved from Arts to IT I went to uni with a bunch of nerds who really needed some good arts learning to balance their maths-brains.

The same goes in reverse too ... the Arts students need some science & maths learning.

Please don't sulk, Rach. I need you to keep me on the straight and narrow.

(You are being very Absolutist about the relativity of hsitory though...)

elaine said...

and as an aside to my rant of earlier (can you tell I'm really bored today?), maybe you could introduce a sort of History-Higgs-boson

i.e. there are "basic particles" of history and each has a certain "mass" (I haven't thought about this much and don't really know what this mass would represent/be (though the historians may be unhappy with me using the word 'be' as it implies fact) - ask me again on Tuesday) and the History-Higgs could be a social climate (maybe) that 'breaks' history causing upheavals or societal changes.

Or is this a dumb idea that just over-complicates?

_nothing_ said...

Ah ... this is where things get interesting.

I am currently pondering whether I start from nation-states as a basic 'history particle' or go more granular. The interactions on that particle will be external - other nation-states (and possibly some other environmental variables like Territory, Climate, Resources) as well as internal - such as the dominant political 'stance'.

mskp said...

on the hello darth issue, i never thought i'd say this but i'd prefer the starfleet i still to be attired as a naughty nurse?

Bonnie Conquest said...

you mean, naughty nurse OR starfucks waitress?

Rach said...

Wait a minute - so you and KP will be wed dressed as Wesley Crusher and naughty nurse? May I please be allowed to be dressed as an ewok thanking you in advance?