Now I can:

I mentioned on Wednesday that Defcon was disturbing.
I read a paper a while back saying that the reason games are so driven by war is that as a technology, computers were developed by the military-industrial complex for use in war. Originally used in encryption and then simulation, among other uses. Asking why computer games and conflict go hand in hand is like asking why swords are often used for cutting.
On a related note does anyone remember D.A.R.Y.L.?
D.A.R.Y.L was awesome. I watched it so many times as a kid. It made me cry.
Wargames was great as well, when i had my commodore 64 i thought that i could hack into the pentagon. My computer skills were even worse then than they are now.
And of films of that ilk, Short Circuit ruled as well.
Damn you Dave the Scot! I was just about to say that I loved Short Circuit! I had the game on my Commodore 128 (that's right, 128 - only ever used the 128 mode to make it change back to a C64.)
Two of my 'Great Computer Gaming Regrets' (it's so sad that I have a list of them - I think that's all of them, though) are that I never was able to finish Short Circuit, and my copy of Tusker was faulty and crashed after level 3 so I never finished that either.
You should try playing Uplink.
You get to pretend to be a hacker.
Grover, the 128! That extra 64k was wasted by everyone.
ha. I had an amstrad 664.
do any of you understand the humiliations i endured at the hands of my peers? even if some of the game versions were *miles* better (i'm talking to you, gauntlet).
and english computer/gaming mags are probably – combined with Match of The Day – are almost certainly responsible for my disturbing affection for anglophile slang. (and, later, probably indie music, too. fuck that's a disturbing downward spiral...).
I love how this blog periodically becomes everyone's nerd confessional.
"Forgive me Toby, for I have been a nerd. When I was 10 I used to hang out for the next edition of Commodore User to arrive from the UK."
Please check your email. You may have to look through your junk mail folder or something. Cheers.
All major industrialisation and scientific, medical, technological progression has come out of war.
Thus it's the only way we know.
Last week we took the Digital Fringe Mobile Projection Unit out for a spin. It's basically a Toyota Hilux kitted out with a GPS, massive battery ("corners like she's on wheels"), projector, video camera hooked up to the internet, and laptop also hooked up to net.
"IT'S LIKE IN WARGAMES!" we said to each other.
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