So it's the usual short and sweet Zeitgeist today.
The answer to the middle east situation?
Redraw the Map! The article is subtitled 'How a bette middle east would look'. I want to do a satirical map with McDonald's and bikini babes. But I couldn't be bothered.
Humans were possibly in America 50,000 years ago
The Slamdance festival banned a game called Super Columbine Massacre. Other game makers have withdrawn in protest over the censorship. The game actually sounds reasonably thought out. It definitely raises some interesting issues ... I've long maintained that games are the medium of the 21C, but games and gamers get discounted as childish and/or trivial. Which is not hard to understand given the preponderance of rubbish car, shooting and sport games. Then again, it's not like film, tv, or literature isn't swamped by similar amounts of rubbish. For every West Wing, there's an Everybody Loves Raymond and a No Pants Island.
Speaking of Raymond. I'd rather do this than watch it:

From Modblog
I mean, really.
But it does piss me off that everyone gets to have an ill-informed opinion about games even though they never play them and have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.
I'll stop yelling now.
Teach Yourself the Harmonica!
Apple has (finally) released the iPhone.
If anyone can pull that off, it's Apple.
At work we've been talking about flow a lot. How do we design software (I am thinking about games, as well) that moves beyond usability and into flow? Wondering,
what comes after usability?
That's enough. Lunch time.
You can download Super Columbine Massacre.
Windows only, I'm afraid. But you're all using Bootcamp, right?
What so special about the iPhone?
after which I was very rude and slept on the couch for a bit.
I think it's a reflection of LIKING the person whose couch it is and being comfortable with them.
But maybe that's a justification for my own tendency to fall asleep everywhere.
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