hey, what's the name of that game where it's a mechanical table with silver balls? and flippers ...The answer is of course PinBall ...
Now I have to attempt to be all brainy and stuff and code up some ... stuff.
TechStars - start-up incubator. Now if only there was a local one. I proposed moving to Boulder, Colorado for 3 months, but not really convenient this year.
Weasel Words of War. Why use torture when an "extreme rendition" would do the job?
The MacGuffin
How a hanging is supposed to work ... apparently, not that fun.
Daniel Libeskind’s design for Gazprom City, the future St. Petersburg headquarters for Russian energy giant Gazprom:

“Zimbabwe, the land of dying children” by RW Johnson in the Sunday Times.
World Health Organisation figures show that life expectancy in Zimbabwe, which was 62 in 1990, had by 2004 plummeted to 37 for men and 34 for women. These are by far the worst such figures in the world.
Battle of Helms Deep. In Candy
Giant Rabbits to feed the poor
The Nazi Raccoons that Ate Germany. Not even a joke. Nazi. Raccoons.
Buy Sealand! Donate and get citizenship. I think I might pitch in some cash ...
The Heff. Sad, sad old man.
Greatest Martial Arts Moments. I like the one with the Pinball sound effects and the raining bodies.
The future ... it ... lives
"It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be. . . This, in turn, means that our statesmen, our businessmen, our everyman must take on a science fictional way of thinking." - Isaac Asimov
Sentient Developments: Must-know terms for the 21st Century intellectual: Redux. Particularly like: "Information Theoretic Death" and "Bayesian Rationality".
Loops of highly charged particles burst from the sun's surface:

Fermi Paradox
"The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence of contact with such civilizations."
Bizarre New Form of Life Found in Arctic Ocean, Scientists Announce
Refoulement is a good weasel werd too.
i reckon the fermi paradox is an old-ey world-ey version of "wha happen?"
i love how it's translated as 'where is everybody?' - cute.
Fermi Paradox! hrumph.
why can't scientists (and postmodernists while we're at it) speak in plain language? why must they wrap simple concepts such as "I don't know" into complicated sounding "I must be cleverer than you because you can't untangle my linguistic morass"?
end {rant}
You're both right, it should be: "Aliens. Wha Haaaaapen!?".
Refoulement ... nice one.
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