Nothing much else to report. Business as usual.
This week I have been mostly thinking about: Operation Barbarossa. Or in multimedia. Oooh...
Tokyo at night using HDR (High Dynamic Range):

China has 900 missiles aimed at Taiwan.
Star Wars using hands:
BlackWater. If I was really really rich I would have m own private army too.
Scariest Ideas in Science
Amazing photo of a terrible F1 accident:

Oh yeah.
Genealogy of Influence ... relationships of various great thinkers & etc.
State of the Union Tag Cloud
Las Vegas Police Website. In the style of Sin City. And I thought it was just like CSI.
Guitarist from Anthrax can't play own song in Guitar Hero: "Dude you are totally going to have to write easier songs 20 years ago".
Ricahrd Hammond's crash on Top Gear. Madness. Rated higher than the UK Big Brother eviction.
AssRaelis. Kosher, yiddish erotica. NSFW.
Which Sci-Fi Author are you?. I am Frank Herbert, apparently.
Interactive map of Middle East groups and their relationships. Nodes have repelling force - move Israel around and see what happens.
Mirin Dajo, a fakir. He actually has steel rods pushed through his body.
Wow ... no smiles at ALL:

Ah, Microsoft. You should totally like, buy a Mac.
James Tiptree, Jr.
apparently. What did she write?,_Jr
No idea.
He kicked a rock as well? Bizarre! Great party by the way.
I've been inducting Jelly into the Richard (Hammy, The Hamster) Hammond fan club. Noone can watch his interview on Johnathan Ross and walk away without him in their personal top three most adorable men on earth.
richard hammond IS a completely adorable little gnome, isn't he?
RATHER UNLIKE the smallest of our neighbours, who, after being welcomed to le party, managed to offend or alarm most of our [invited] guests.
so what's the verdict? ARE SMALL PEOPLE TO BE TRUSTED?
*strokes chin*
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