This week is l-o-n-g ... work has finally and truly jumped the shark. Very much over it and lacking inspiration for something else right now. Need a benefactor or patron to fund computational history. Any takers?
On with the show:
Rather Literal Love song:
Robots on Mars:

A ship for carrying other ships (a meta-ship, if you will):

And it can sink itself to get under ships and then lift them up:

The largest lego set ever sold. Over 5000 pieces:

Corporate jet traffic after the superbowl:

A pulse of light can be stopped, transported, and restarted again using a cloud of super-cold atoms.
Stephen Colbert rocks my world:

The evolution of life and intelligence on Earth has finally reached the point where it is now deemed possible to engender something almost out of nothing.
The Periodic Spiral envisions a remedy to the flaws in conventional periodic tables by illustrating hydrogen's ambiguous relationship to the noble gases and halogens while recognizing its relationship to the alkali metals; it also fully integrates the lanthanons and actinons into the design.
1 comment:
mmm...i want that ice cream.
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