Started on Friday with
Love of Diagrams and some friends I haven't seen in ages ... continued through decided lack of sleep, too many cigarettes, an elegant suffiency of wine, a delightful surfeit of great food, meeting someone amazingly awesome and getting
completely lost in conversation for hours and hours and hours.
I bought a bike. A
Hyosung GV250:

Delightfully old-school looking. I pick it up this week.
Twas definitely the BEST WEEKEND EVER.
But are you copying my Best Sunday Ever post?
PS. Your bike is fully sick.
Bonnie! It was most excellent indeed. And it was pleasure meeting you on Friday.
Korea will be awesome because you can play StarCraft all day long. And eat Dog.
PS: 'Twas' is not used nearly enough.
i wanna c-o-o-l, r-i-d-e-r.
only those of you who have seen 'grease 2' will get the reference.
those of you who haven't seen 'grease 2', how can you live with yourselves?
Never seen Grease 2. The excessive drinking eases the pain.
how can parents be so cruel as to not introduce their kids to michelle pfeiffer's early work?
See? I totally blame my parents.
No wonder I am smoking again.
sue the bastards.
claim: your parents never showed you the cinematic wonder that is grease 2, thus driving you to cigarettes to ease the pain, which will eventually lead to your awful, cancerous death.
i'll be your lawyer.
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