Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Wednesday Zeitgeist

Today's theme is, of course, love.

Ah ... love.


One thing we don't love is Primus Telecom ... we've been billed for our new phone connection despite the fact the phone doesn't actually work. Highly unrecommended service.
And my wife (OMG!) just cracked it about Qantas. So we don't love them at the moment either.
And we also don't love Mr Abbott, do we.

- Man vs Beast. Weirdly disturbing television. I kind-of love it.
- Three things you didn't know about AIDS in Africa.
- Buy land on the moon.
- Learn a language. You never know when Esperanto will come in handy.
- This year I would love to build an arcade machine. I probably won't, but it would be bloody cool to have one.
- Non-lethal viruses to neutralise cities. I love the Cold War, don't you? Infect everyone with a virus that swells their brain!
- 18 Secret Armies of the CIA. I like the Khamba Horsemen the best.
- Taxonomy of Apocalyptic Scenarios. Ranges from Class 0 - Regional Catastrophe through to Class X - Planetary Elimination.
- BTW, Saddam is on Youtube. But you can't have the link.
- Dear John said it was heroic for the Iraqi people to uphold the rule of law despite the fact Saddam was really REALLY bad and they are not having a civil war and stuff. Funny that a tyrannical dictator can get a fair trial , but some illegal combatant poor bastard caught in Afganhistan in a civil conflict by an invading occupational force can't get one. Surely this is unheroic and possibly un-Australian? I'm looking at you, Howard. You fucker.

That's it. Work, if I can remember how to program through all this sunshine and love.

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