Monday, February 12, 2007


I started writing an entry about George Lucas and Star Wars and how he's a dick and Empire Strikes Back is the best film because he didn't write most of it and it suddenly started turning into a massive rant about the philosophy of Star Wars and then I realised I would be one of those weird computer guys who ranted about Star Wars and also there's no need to continue the theme of "X Sucks" even though in the case of My Chemical Romance and possibly, George Lucas, it is quite justified.

Just so you know.

Update: Of course, now I am the guy who writes about what he would have written about. I may as welll have signed up to fucking Twitter.


mskp said...

twitter sucks real bad.

Anonymous said...

but, but...

that's the most redundant site ever! just by being there, you know what you're doing - reading or posting shit to Twitter!!!

WTF?? is this postmodern 'entertainment'? is this how people feel 'connected' even though spatially estranged?

oh well, in that sense at least maybe it'll be good practice for when we've fully fucked the planet, and it will be well documented in squillions of blogs.

Anonymous said...

Empire WAS the best movie, it was just a fluke that ANH didn't suck despite all the Lucasing and RotJ was the beginning of the end.

Damn that was nerdy

Sherd said...

It's ok, My Chemical Romance does suck real bad.

Plus, you're not a real weird computer guy because you know what a woman looks like.

A naked woman, even.

elaine said...

twitter is called twitter because it's for twits.

and My Chemical Romance fans.

or is that tautology?